Types of Hosting

Shared Hosting
Shared hosting means just that. Your website is hosted on a server shared by other websites. The advantage of this setup is the shared cost. You can pay as little as $5 to $10 per month for sharing a super server with (probably) hundreds (or thousands) of other websites.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
Virtual private servers share one physical server but act like multiple, separate servers. A VPS is a stepping stone between shared hosting and getting your own dedicated machine. Even though each VPS instance shares hardware resources, they are allocated a dedicated slice of the computing resources.
Dedicated Server Hosting
When you have a dedicated server, it means you are renting one physical server from a hosting company. You can have full control if you want it.
With a dedicated server, you don’t have to worry about other websites on a shared server taking up your resources and slowing your website down.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is essentially the same as VPS hosting in that you also have your site on a virtual machine. However, instead of one physical server, your site is part of a whole network of computers from which it can pull all the power it needs dynamically. This type of setup is becoming more commonplace.
Colocation Web Hosting
In this type of hosting, you will purchase your own server and have it housed at a web host’s facilities. You will be responsible for the server itself. An advantage of this type of hosting service is you have full control of the web server. You can install any scripts or applications you need.
You can view the different Hosting Services we provide Here