Domain Name

The second part of a URL is called a domain. (After the https://”domain name” for e.g “starlink” is the domain name). A domain name can consist of a combination of letters and numbers (Human readable word) and is followed by extensions like “.com”, “.mu” or “.org”.
The domain name is the address where internet users can access your website. Before using the domain name, you have to register it. There are many websites on the internet that allows you to buy and register your domain name. Here is an example of a website where you can register your domain name: Note that, every domain name is a unique name. You won’t have two websites having the same domain name. (What is a domain name? – Domain Names – Beginner’s Guide |, 2020).

A sub-domain is an additional part of the main domain name. Sub-domains are created for organizing and navigating to various sections of your website. On your main domain, you can create as many sub-domains as you want. You can choose any text as your subdomain, however you want to make sure you can type and recall it easily.
You can Register a Domain by Clicking Here